Transformation • Innovation • Technology
Business • IT • People
IT-und Unternehmensberatung
Wenn Technik menschlich wird, ist T.I.T.digital involviert.
Fachbeiträge und Videoserien:
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Keep it simple!
Alles rund um die Digitalisierung und digitale Transformation einfach auch für "Nicht-Informatiker" erklärt. Man muss den Nebel lichten, um klar sehen zu können.
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In times of digital transformation...
Digitalization doesn't know borders
and affects every citizen in one or another different way! Society is in the midst of digital transformation and in addition to the protection of fundamental rights and ethical values, it is also about that above all how cities are developing into smart cities and how digitalization is developing across countries in order to benefit their citizen. ... (15.09.2021)
ADV e-Government Conference 2021 28.-29.09.2021 in Villach
A new role - the business juggler
The successful management of the digital transformation must not be left to the IT managers alone. Rather, it is a task that challenges the entire company and, in most cases, completely transform it! ... (28.03.2021)
WHY humanity matters!
Fingerprints left on the souls of others do not fade. Why humanity and positive leadership matters more than ever in times of digital transformation!
... (05.03.2021)
Technology is not the issue
Rather it depends on the organizational embedding context and the design of the change process whether companies benefit from new digital technologies! ... (02.01.2021)
Culture Change as accelerator ...
Culture as accelerator for digital transformation
Many of the companies usually associate digital transformation with technological developments such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing or Industry 4.0, and new forms of digital products & services! ... (01.12.2020)
Digital transformation is more than "investing in technology"
In order to fully exploit the potential of new digital technologies for a company, it is not enough to implement a new business model, new products/services and processes! ... (16.10.2020)
The age of superhero's is coming to an end!
Why we need a new definition of leadership and a culture of interaction and collaboration! ...